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The 12th annual IR symposium

Transitus: Illustration as Crossing Ground 

Hosted by the MA Authorial Practice at Falmouth University 

Carolyn Shapiro offered Falmouth University to host the 12th International Illustration Research Symposium. We were very excited when Desdemona McCannon of Illustration Research accepted this offer. Consequently, we quickly formed a team to move the project forward. Carolyn Shapiro, Laurence North and Linda Scott began by considering a theme. The idea of illustration as being representative of translation or transposition of actions and concepts became a reoccurring subject of our conversations.


This developed via many twists and turns into Transitus: Illustration as Crossing Ground. Following two years of Covid lockdown we optimistically committed our planning to organising an in-person on campus event. However, as we progressed, the post-Covid state of the global transport infrastructure and the possibility of further waves of pandemic caused us to rethink. We were also receiving requests from delegates who had attended the previous online symposium at Kingston School of Art (2021), who, based outside of the UK were very keen to be part of the 12th Illustration Research Symposium.


Consequently, we changed tack. At the time of writing this introduction we have around 250 delegates from approximately 28 different countries. This international and enthusiastic engagement with the symposium has more than compensated for our initial disappointment at not being able to realise our first plan for an on-campus event.


We have organised the very broad and stimulating range of presentations as best we could into themed panels that we hope will spark discussion and new ideas. We have also included two workshops that we hope will allow a more active engagement with the symposium theme. There has also been a collaborative project between students from MA Authorial Practice at Falmouth University and The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK), School of Arts of University College Ghent. The students have dedicated an edition of their collaborative webcomics project to this symposium. The Promise webcomics project has allowed two institutions to cross ground and author a special edition webcomic in response to themes of the symposium. The new works will be available to view from the first day of the conference at


We would like to thank all of those who proposed papers and workshops for the symposium and Desdemona McCannon, Nanette Hoogslag and Adrian Holme from the The Illustration Research Group, Camilla Kjaernet for her technical support and Mandy Jandrell our Director of the Institute of Photography and the Falmouth School of Art for her supportive enthusiasm and financial investment in this research project. We would also like to thank our guest speakers Olivier Kugler, Andrew Humphreys and Professor Hilde Kramer for agreeing contribute to the Transitus: Illustration as Crossing Ground, 12th International Illustration Research Symposium.

Laurence North

Download the full programme with abstracts and bibliographies


Friday events


1 Schedule for Friday morning, 15th July

Welcome and Introduction: Dr Carolyn Shapiro & Dr Nanette Hoogslag


Keynote presentation

2 Olivier Kugler & Andrew Humphreys, The Fish and Chip Project

The stories that make up our book cover a diverse array of topical issues including, but not limited to, immigration, cultural identity, the economics of global shipping and trade, the growth and decline of industrial Britain, Brexit and conflict over fishing rights, the conservation of natural resources, and whether it’s ever right to eat fish & chips with gravy.

Chair – Linda Scott



3 Ksenia Kopalova & Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva, abstract and biographies


The Near and the Far

4 Tania A. Cardoso

5 Georgie Bennett


Transmediation: Visualising the Transatlantic Slave Trade

6 Linda Scott

7 Robyn Phillips-Pendleton



Friday afternoon, 15th July

8 Schedule for Friday afternoon, 15th July


Translation and Audience Engagement

9 Carolyn Shapiro & Laurence North

10 Dr Rachel Emily Taylor

11 Elaheh Toosheh & Jose Santaemilia

12 Serpil Karaoğlu, Ayşe Defne Akalın & Ilgım Veryeri Alaca


Corporeal Crossings: Reparative Visual Language

13 Anna Logan

14 Johanna Roehr

15 Subir Dey & Monika


Narrative and the Paper Artefact

16 Nigel Owen

17 Clara Daly

18 John Kilburn


Workshop, Anarchic Writing, part 1 of 2

19 Konstantina Benaki Chatzispasou & Myrna Marianovits




Saturday events 

20 Schedule for Saturday morning, 16th July



3 Ksenia Kopalova & Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva


Transcultural Visual Autobiographies

21 Cecila Hei Mee Flume

22 Sarah Laura Nesti Willard & Urwa Mohammed Tariq

23 Sayra Begum


Dynamics, Power, Trans subjectivity and Ethical Responsibility

24 Mat Osmond

25 Beverley Irving-Edwards

26 Peter Blodau


Intermediary Processes; Narratives in the Margins

27 Paul Jackson

28 Gilly Nevin




Saturday afternoon, 16th July

29 Schedule for Saturday morning, 16th July


Social Maps, Cultural Spaces

30 Adrie Haese

31 Matt Booker

32 Pat WingShan Wong


Cultural Archives: Questioning Heritage

33 Carys Boughton

34 Laura Copsey & Philip Crewe

35 Shreyas R. Krishnan & Aggie Toppins


Workshop, Anarchic Writing, part 2 of 2

19 Konstantina Benaki Chatzispasou & Myrna Marianovits


Plenary Presentation

36 Professor Hilde Kramer: The Transposing Illustrator

How may the contemporary illustrator address topics of shared memory and representation of the Holocaust? Inside Litzmannstadt ghetto Arie Ben Menachem and Mendel Grossman developed graphic collages that seem stunningly modern and bold. As bystanders 80 years later - what can an illustrator do to pay homage to their work?

37 Nanette Hoogslag


The Promise webcomics project

38 Students from MA Illustration Authorial Practice Falmouth and The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) and the Royal Conservatory constitute the School of Arts of University College Ghent

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